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2San Micro Kill, 5Ltr

2San Micro Kill, 5Ltr

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Micro Kill, 5Ltr

Code: 0089

Micro Kill is a revolutionary product that is a certified virucidal, bactericidal and yeasticidal cleaner. Micro Kill sanitises all water washable surfaces, including; carpets, upholstery and soft furnishings, hard surfaces, walls, floors, toilets and washrooms etc. Micro Kill is bleach free and non-hazardous.

This reformulated product kills: Swine Flu, HIV, Hepatitis C, MRSA, Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff), Common food poisoning bacteria, mould, mildew, fungi, yeast. On test, this product passes: EN1276, EN14476 and EN1650.

Dilution Rate: 1:10 to 1:200. pH 10

In the light of the Coronovirus pandemic, please see statement below from our laboratory:


Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some can cause illness in people including mild symptoms, such as the common cold. Other strains can lead to pneumonia and cause more severe disease e.g. SARS and MERS. 

Surface Disinfection 

2SAN Micro Kill has been assessed for virucidal activity following test methods such as BS EN 14476 and BS EN 14675. Results show it is effective against a range of viruses such as the H1N1 influenza virus, Norovirus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and the Ebola virus. The Coronavirus is not currently available for commercial laboratories to test against so we cannot give a definitive contact time and dilution rate. However, given the above test data we can reasonably expect 2SAN Micro Kill to have efficacy against the virus. We would therefore recommend using the product for general disinfection in the infection prevention and control for the 2019-nCoV.

Dilution & Application

10% i.e. 1 x 5L makes 50L RTU. Dwell time 5 minutes for maximum effectiveness.

Remove and absorb any excess spillages or contamination from areas needing treatment. For killing HIV, Hepatitis C, MRSA or food poisoning bacteria, dilute 25ml of Micro Kill per litre of water. For protection against Swine Flu and C. diff, dilute 100ml Micro Kill per litre of water. Spray, mop or wipe onto areas to be disinfected and leave to air dry. If any cleaning is required, areas must be re-disinfected afterwards.

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